Thursday, August 16, 2018

                              My younger brother on a family trip out West way back in the 40's!
My dad had one brother and that brother who was from Texas settled in California after World War 11 so therefore we had to make the trip out West to visit.  We would take different routes every time we made the trip.  On this journey we took what my dad called the northern route.  Yellowstone National Park was included in the trip. 
There were no limits as to how close you could get to Old Faithful so we three kids walked right up to the mouth to take a look.  Dad was watching his pocket watch very closely and knew exactly when the eruption would take place. 
As you can see in this picture there were some wooden benches to sit on to watch as Old Faithful did her thing.  You could actually get as close as you wanted but the temperature was hot enough that you stayed a safe distance from it. 
Not only did we really get close to the eruption of Old Faithful there were other incidences that occurred while in Yellowstone.  At that time there were many more bears in the park than are there now.  My brothers wanted to feed the bears so dad let them get out of the car in spite of warnings ''Do Not Feed Bears" with food in their hands to entice the bears to come after them.  One really charged after them and they threw down their snacks and made a bee line back to the car just in time to slam the doors closed and roll up the windows.  One of the bears actually came up to the car and looked inside for more food.  Needless to say that ended their desire to feed the bears. 
We made several trips to California.  Back then there were no air conditioned cars so we did suffer from the heat.  Those stories will be on another day and another dinner. 
 Safe Travels 

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