Friday, August 3, 2018

This fast growing, trumpet shaped, star faced beautiful vine is a huge attraction for butterflies and hummingbirds.  It is easy to grow but does require water and sunshine.  I let mine grow along with my blue morning glories to make a fantastic statement.  They are from the same family and get along very well.  The leaves have a delicate feathery almost lacey look which adds to the beauty of the plant and such a contrast from the broader morning glory leaves. 

If you do plant cypress vine make sure you buy plenty of weed killer because next year you will have a million little seedlings appear.  They love to climb on my chain link fence but we try to keep them off as they are a real pain to pick out of the wire when fall comes.  They will also take over any other plants close by.  They love to attach themselves to my rose bushes. 

They are a blessing to pass by every morning as we load the van to go to work.  You just can't resist saying "Good Morning" to them as you walk by.  Believe it or not, I do talk to my plants!  It is so nice because they can't talk back! 

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