Wednesday, August 1, 2018

A  small basket of pickings from the back yard garden yesterday afternoon.  This new little garden got off to a delayed start this year as it was mid June before getting the whole thing finished.  Therefore, plantings were rather late.  Someone told me that planting a late garden in Missouri was a wonderful idea.  Wrong!  It was so hot for several weeks that anything I put out dried up the next day.  Most of the seeds I planted never even germinated so we will have no green beans or okra this year.  But on the optimistic side a few things did survive and flourish. 
These strange egg shaped veggies are actually Dragon's Egg Cucumbers.  Son number three purchased a tremendous amount of different kinds of seeds for my garden several years ago from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company up in Mansfield, Missouri.  It has been fun experimenting with the different varieties.  Since I keep seeds forever I decided to plant these Dragon's Egg Cucumbers this year.  They did come up and we are enjoying the bounty of Dragon's Eggs this summer.
Sliced up they really are  delicious little cucumbers with a mild, bitter-free and sweet taste. It is a good thing, too as it looks like there will be many more coming on the vines from the looks of the many blooms.
Think I will have another slice or two for mid morning snack!

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