Thursday, August 30, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: GOOEY BUTTER CAKE This is a very gooey and delici...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: GOOEY BUTTER CAKE This is a very gooey and delici...: GOOEY BUTTER CAKE This is a very gooey and delicious quick cake. It disappears quickly so you don't have to worry about ho...
This is a very gooey and delicious quick cake. It disappears quickly so you don't have to worry about how to store it. It is pretty popular around the St. Louis, Missouri area where it seems to have its roots in the 1940's. Originally the cake base was made from scratch but the modern cake mixes are so good and so easy.
Yellow cake mix
1 stick of butter
1 egg
Melt the butter and mix with egg. Pour into bowl with cake mix. Mix this using a spoon or fork. Pan spray a 9 x 13 pan and press this mixture into it. Set aside.
Soften an 8 oz. package of cream cheese and beat with 2 eggs. Beat in about 3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla.
Pour this mixture over the cake mixture in the pan.
Bake at 350 degrees 30 - 40 minutes.
Add the ingredients to your grocery list for the weekend!
You will have no regrets!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: BOOKS OF PICTURESA cabinet in my office is loaded ...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: BOOKS OF PICTURESA cabinet in my office is loaded ...: BOOKS OF PICTURES A cabinet in my office is loaded with my 80 year collection of photos. It took me over a year to sort all of the pic...
A cabinet in my office is loaded with my 80 year collection of photos. It took me over a year to sort all of the pictures and get them in some kind of order. I put up tables and started stacking loose photos according to the years or events.
Rather than buying albums to store them in I used binders of all sizes with pictures placed on white paper with double sided tape and inserted into sheet protectors. I write some kind of identification under each picture such as names and special events.
Since I am a fabric hoarder I covered these ugly binders with different pieces of fabric. Each one is different and when put on the shelves all the colors blend together like an old fashioned home made quilt. On the edge of the binders I indicate what years or occasions are in each binder. Some of them are just dated and some are special with headings such as trips and weddings.
When one of the kids needs a picture I can go to the cabinet and find what they are looking for in a matter of minutes.
This has been a fun endeavor for me. Once all the oldest albums are created it makes it a lot easier to update and besides that we don't seem to have as many loose photos anymore since all the pictures are on our phones and computers but occasionally we print some of them.
Collecting pictures seems to be a thing of the past but it is still comforting for me to go back into the books and enjoying the remembrance so many things.
This has been a fun endeavor for me. Once all the oldest albums are created it makes it a lot easier to update and besides that we don't seem to have as many loose photos anymore since all the pictures are on our phones and computers but occasionally we print some of them.
Collecting pictures seems to be a thing of the past but it is still comforting for me to go back into the books and enjoying the remembrance so many things.
For now I will just keep snapping and making books!!
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: YELLOW CAKECHOCOLATE FUDGE FROSTINGFor a delicious...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: YELLOW CAKECHOCOLATE FUDGE FROSTINGFor a delicious...: YELLOW CAKE CHOCOLATE FUDGE FROSTING For a delicious quickie this one is perfect. Use a yellow cake mix and follow directions on the...
For a delicious quickie this one is perfect. Use a yellow cake mix and follow directions on the box. Pour into prepared 11 x 15 pan and bake at 350 degrees. It doesn't take long to bake because it is so thin. Usually around 15 minutes and just a little brown on top.
What makes anything good? Of course, Chocolate Fudge Frosting.
Melt 6 tablespoons butter, add 1/3 cup milk and 1/4 cocoa powder. Bring to a boil. This is when the little old fashioned hand mixer comes in handy. With this mixture still in the pan add a little vanilla and beat in about 3 cups confectioners sugar. Pour over cake before the frosting gets too firm.
I promise it won't last long!
Monday, August 27, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: OBEDIENT PLANTOne of the best parts of late summer...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: OBEDIENT PLANTOne of the best parts of late summer...: OBEDIENT PLANT One of the best parts of late summer is watching the Obedient Plant open up her blooms. They are a bright shade of pink...
One of the best parts of late summer is watching the Obedient Plant open up her blooms. They are a bright shade of pinkish lilac in color with light green stems and leaves. The real name for them is Physostegia Virginiana and are in the mint family. They are called obedient due to their habit of bending and staying that way in flower arrangements. They are also known to be called disobedient because they are very aggressive in spreading and taking over. The flowers start opening in late August and bloom until frost. I have them in several spots in my yard but they do better in places where they get a lot of sun.
Happy ending to Summer!
Thursday, August 23, 2018
CUBA IN 1956
Nancy Kline, Stewardess, Sharie Kay and Mrs. Poulan
After graduating from Fair Park High School in 1956 The Poulan's took me and their daughter Sharie Kay to Cuba as a graduation present. Mr. Poulan was the inventor of the Poulan Chain Saw and could afford to do whatever. Sharie Kay and I had become best friends while in junior high and enjoyed a close friendship for many more years.
We drove to Tampa, and Mr. Poulan said he was tired of driving and suggested we catch a flight on to Miami.
Tickets were purchased and we were on MY FIRST FLIGHT EVER to Miami. Sharie Kay and I got out our best dresses and got all dolled up for the flight.
Plans changed again when we arrived in Miami. Rather than stay in Miami the Poulans decided to take us on to Cuba. Again tickets were purchased but this time for a bus. We rode a big bus down through the Florida Keys and boarded a ship to take us on to Cuba.
We had so much fun on the ship. We found two Cuban boys to flirt with, danced to a Cuban band and played in the wind.
As you can see, Mr. Poulan would not let us out of his sight for the rest of the trip. He kept his eye on us especially on the beach.
We had so much fun. The luxury hotel we stayed in was right down town in Havana with parrots and beautiful plants everywhere. The food was delicious and the boys were cute.
It was shortly after this trip that bad things started happening in Cuba and finally there would be no more trips to Cuba for many, many years.
I have never returned to Cuba but like to remember the way it was in 1956 !!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: FRUIT COCKTAIL CAKERemember when a can of fruit c...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: FRUIT COCKTAIL CAKE
Remember when a can of fruit c...: FRUIT COCKTAIL CAKE Remember when a can of fruit cocktail was the family dessert? When mothers were too busy to cook a dessert they c...
Remember when a can of fruit c...: FRUIT COCKTAIL CAKE Remember when a can of fruit cocktail was the family dessert? When mothers were too busy to cook a dessert they c...
Remember when a can of fruit cocktail was the family dessert? When mothers were too busy to cook a dessert they could always rely on opening a can of fruit cocktail. My two brothers and I would argue about who got the most of those half cherries that seemed to be scant in every can. Sometimes a sliced banana would be added to make the bowl of fruit cocktail be enough for the whole family. Another delicious way to use a can of fruit cocktail was to mix it into a box of strawberry Jello. Now that was really a treat but had to be done early in the day to allow time for the Jello to "set".
Probably in the 1960's or 1970's the recipe for Fruit Cocktail Cake appeared in ads in all the magazines women read at that time. It was a quick way to make a cake without using a mix. Some of us still thought cake mixes were cheating. I have to admit that they are greatly improved now and I use them often.
Fruit Cocktail Cake
1 1/2 cups of sugar
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 cups flour
2 eggs
Mix together with mixer and then fold in a can of fruit cocktail not drained
Pour in greased 9 x 13 inch baking container
Mix a cup of brown sugar with 1/2 cup of chopped pecans and sprinkle on top of the cake before baking. Bake at 325 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Mix, Bake and Enjoy !
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: ROSARIAN ?A rosarian I am not. A rosarian is on...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: ROSARIAN ?A rosarian I am not. A rosarian is on...: ROSARIAN ? A rosarian I am not. A rosarian is one who cultivates roses as an occupation. I just love roses and grow them as a hobby...
A rosarian I am not. A rosarian is one who cultivates roses as an occupation. I just love roses and grow them as a hobby. No matter what color I love them all. I talk to them often and they seem to respond faithfully.
My main rose garden is on the East side of the house as this has proven to be the best location after the other places I tried have failed. Here, they get the morning sun and are shaded by the house in the afternoon. I do have roses in other locations in the yard though. One bed is nothing but knockout roses but they are not for cutting.
Rose garden on East side of house
My mother loved roses and took pride in raising beautiful bushes so I guess I inherited this passion from her.
This year has been a come back year for my poor roses. The last two years I let some volunteer tomatoes take over and they just about did my roses in so this year I did not let that happen.
A rose by any other name is still a rose!
Monday, August 20, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: USING WHAT YOU FINDDaughter found two pieces of ol...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: USING WHAT YOU FINDDaughter found two pieces of ol...: USING WHAT YOU FIND Daughter found two pieces of old head boards in the attic of the old farmhouse in Kirbyville. She transformed them...
Daughter found two pieces of old head boards in the attic of the old farmhouse in Kirbyville. She transformed them into jewelry hangers. They are beautiful.
Not to be outdone, I had a fit to make myself something to hang all my jewelry on. Daughter had two doors that were off of a large piece of furniture and could not be reattached. She gave me the two doors and instructions for how to make jewelry hangers.
These are my two doors waiting for the crackle to happen. They originally had a light oak color to them. I painted them with off white paint and then used Valspar Glaze to make the white paint crackle so the oak would show through.
The glaze caused the white paint to crackle so that some of the oak color shows through. I followed the directions on the jar of glaze. The sealing wax preserves the finish. Then with the help of one of our photographer crew, we put four rows of cup hooks across the doors. The wood was very hard so we had to use an electric drill to get the cup hooks started.My doors could not be hung horizontally but looked really good standing side by side.
Now I can pick the necklace I want to wear without digging through drawers and drawers of jumbled up jewelry.
Love Repurposing
Friday, August 17, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: KNOCKOUT ROSESMy Knockout Roses have knocked me ...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: KNOCKOUT ROSES
My Knockout Roses have knocked me ...: KNOCKOUT ROSES My Knockout Roses have knocked me out again. We had a huge evergreen tree on the corner of our lot. It was part ...
My Knockout Roses have knocked me ...: KNOCKOUT ROSES My Knockout Roses have knocked me out again. We had a huge evergreen tree on the corner of our lot. It was part ...
My Knockout Roses have knocked me out again.
We had a huge evergreen tree on the corner of our lot. It was part of the original landscaping from when we first built our home in Branson. That was probably 25 years ago. The tree grew and grew and as it was on the corner, when backing out you could no longer see the street traffic. We had the tree removed but discovered that it was hiding the ugly irrigation system pump.
Grandson Kendall Webb put in this KNOCKOUT ROSE bed to hide the ugly irrigation system. He did a beautiful job of making the bed and selecting the bushes. They have really done good in this location with plenty of sun and just the right amount of water.
Kendall chose three different colors or plants: bright red, bright pink and pale yellow.
This last surge of blooms may be the last of the season but we will enjoy the beauty until Jack Frost pays us a visit.
Have a Very Rosy Day !
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: OLD FAITHFUL My young...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: OLD FAITHFUL My young...: OLD FAITHFUL My younger brother on a family trip out West way back in the 40's! My dad had one ...
My younger brother on a family trip out West way back in the 40's!
My dad had one brother and that brother who was from Texas settled in California after World War 11 so therefore we had to make the trip out West to visit. We would take different routes every time we made the trip. On this journey we took what my dad called the northern route. Yellowstone National Park was included in the trip.
There were no limits as to how close you could get to Old Faithful so we three kids walked right up to the mouth to take a look. Dad was watching his pocket watch very closely and knew exactly when the eruption would take place.
As you can see in this picture there were some wooden benches to sit on to watch as Old Faithful did her thing. You could actually get as close as you wanted but the temperature was hot enough that you stayed a safe distance from it.
Not only did we really get close to the eruption of Old Faithful there were other incidences that occurred while in Yellowstone. At that time there were many more bears in the park than are there now. My brothers wanted to feed the bears so dad let them get out of the car in spite of warnings ''Do Not Feed Bears" with food in their hands to entice the bears to come after them. One really charged after them and they threw down their snacks and made a bee line back to the car just in time to slam the doors closed and roll up the windows. One of the bears actually came up to the car and looked inside for more food. Needless to say that ended their desire to feed the bears.
We made several trips to California. Back then there were no air conditioned cars so we did suffer from the heat. Those stories will be on another day and another dinner.
Safe Travels Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: SWEET SCONESCranberry Scones Recipe:2 cups flour1/...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: SWEET SCONESCranberry Scones Recipe:2 cups flour1/...: SWEET SCONES Cranberry Scones Recipe: 2 cups flour 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 stick b...
Cranberry Scones
2 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 stick butter
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 egg
1/2 to 1 cup dried cranberries
Mix dry ingredients, cut in butter. Mix cream and egg and blend into flour mixture. Toss in the cranberries and lightly mix. Turn onto floured cutting board and make a circle about 1/2 inch thick. Cut into eight pie shape pieces. Place on lightly greased baking sheet and coat tops with a little cream. Bake at 425 until done.
Mix up a little powdered sugar and cream to make a little topping and spread on cooked scones.
This recipe is good with any kind of fruits, chips, cinnamon or whatever you like. If you really want sweeter scones just add a little more sugar to the recipe. You can substitute milk for cream and margarine for butter but they definitely will not be as good.
I doubled the recipe and they didn't last long.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PINK GINGHAM Back in the spring we took a trip to...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PINK GINGHAM
Back in the spring we took a trip to...: PINK GINGHAM Back in the spring we took a trip to East Texas to visit relatives. My sister-in-laws always treat me to garage sale...
Back in the spring we took a trip to...: PINK GINGHAM Back in the spring we took a trip to East Texas to visit relatives. My sister-in-laws always treat me to garage sale...
Back in the spring we took a trip to East Texas to visit relatives. My sister-in-laws always treat me to garage sales. Well, the last stop for the day was the best. They were trying to get rid of everything so were letting you fill a bag for $1.00. My sister-in-law found a couple of small items for her bag. I spotted this pink gingham dress that had yards and yards of fabric. And so, I put the dress in my sister-in-law's bag. She would not let me pay a dime for my part so I guess I got the dress for free.
Being the seamstress that I am I washed the dress and stored it with all my pink fabrics waiting for the right thought to come as to how to use this beautiful find. I finally decided to make a little pillow case dress and bloomers for a birthday coming up. I took the dress apart and went to the attic to find old patterns and believe it or not I found just what I wanted.
I cut out the dress and bloomers and stitched all the pieces together and came up with the cutest little dress and bloomers.
Finished dress and bloomers!
I still have several yards of the pink gingham left and I am sure I will find something to do with it this winter when all the inside things start to get done.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: ZUCCHINI CHIPSThese are so delicious. I pi...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline:
These are so delicious. I pi...: ZUCCHINI CHIPS These are so delicious. I pick the zucchini when it is just the right size to go through the food processor wh...
These are so delicious. I pi...: ZUCCHINI CHIPS These are so delicious. I pick the zucchini when it is just the right size to go through the food processor wh...
These are so delicious. I pick the zucchini when it is just the right size to go through the food processor whole to make perfect circles.
After slicing put a small amount of oil on them and mix. I use olive oil but any kind of vegetable oil will do. It doesn't take very much so go lightly. Sprinkle with garlic salt and a little black pepper. You can put any kind of seasoning you like but we all prefer the garlic salt. Mix well.
Get out the dehydrator and spread over the layers of the machine and start the process.
Mine were ready in 24 hours.
They are delicious to garnish salads with but we just love to munch like any good kind of chips. These didn't last long enough for Monday morning salads. They are a little bit chewy but that even makes them better as far as I am concerned.
They store well in canning jars or in baggies.
My small garden has just about come to a halt but hope to get a few more zucchinis before it completely dies off. We have put a lot of grated zucchini in the freezer to use for zucchini breads and cakes this winter.
Pick, Slice, Oil, Season, Dehydrate and Enjoy !
Friday, August 10, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: CUCUMBER ANDONION SALAD Go to the garden and pick ...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: CUCUMBER ANDONION SALAD Go to the garden and pick ...: CUCUMBER AND ONION SALAD Go to the garden and pick several small to medium sized cucumbers. Peel and slice. Peel and slice a wh...
Go to the garden and pick several small to medium sized cucumbers. Peel and slice. Peel and slice a white onion. Mix together and sprinkle a little salt on them and let stand a few minutes then drain.
For the dressing use 1 cup sour cream, 1/3 cup sugar and enough white vinegar (it doesn't take much vinegar) to make a creamy sauce. Sometimes I add some fresh dill and sprinkle on a little black pepper but my dill was discovered by the monarch butterfly caterpillars last week and stripped the plants of all greenery. Son advised me to not do anything about them so we have to suffer the rest of the summer with no fresh dill.
Drain the cucumber and onion mix and pour the dressing on them and mix well. Better if refrigerated an hour or so but we never can wait. Sometimes this is the only thing we will have for dinner.
Nothing taste better on a hot summer evening. This is a favorite at our house even grand daughter can't resist a bowl full of it.
Sad but true, the cucumbers are just about through bearing so guess I will have to go to the store for more cucumbers.
For the dressing use 1 cup sour cream, 1/3 cup sugar and enough white vinegar (it doesn't take much vinegar) to make a creamy sauce. Sometimes I add some fresh dill and sprinkle on a little black pepper but my dill was discovered by the monarch butterfly caterpillars last week and stripped the plants of all greenery. Son advised me to not do anything about them so we have to suffer the rest of the summer with no fresh dill.
Drain the cucumber and onion mix and pour the dressing on them and mix well. Better if refrigerated an hour or so but we never can wait. Sometimes this is the only thing we will have for dinner.
Nothing taste better on a hot summer evening. This is a favorite at our house even grand daughter can't resist a bowl full of it.
Sad but true, the cucumbers are just about through bearing so guess I will have to go to the store for more cucumbers.
Mix, Eat and Enjoy !
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: LAMBS/SHEEP Baby Leroy Old Garden behind our Ki...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: LAMBS/SHEEP Baby Leroy Old Garden behind our Ki...: LAMBS/SHEEP Baby Leroy Old Garden behind our Kirbyville, Missouri warehouse. 75' x 75'. Big...
Baby Leroy
Old Garden behind our Kirbyville, Missouri warehouse. 75' x 75'.
Big Leroy on the left!
Old garden converted to SHEEP FARM!
The big garden behind our old warehouse was a beauty. It furnished veggies for family, friends, church and business. It lasted around ten years. After our warehouse burned down in October 2016 and we moved our offices to Branson I was no longer able to tend a garden that far away from home.
Daughter and family bought ten acres of our property in Kirbyville and have built a beautiful new home on the land. The garden is on their land now and The old garden has not been planted for the past two years and has grown up with weeds.
Rather than using the fenced in garden for a vegetable garden they decided to raise sheep. Right now the sheep are in the process of eating all the overgrowth and it is looking a lot cleaner.
PS: Just in case you are wondering, I have a new much smaller garden in my back yard and easy to tend to!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: TORNADO CAKEThis is a real quick, easy and also ...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: TORNADO CAKE
This is a real quick, easy and also ...: TORNADO CAKE This is a real quick, easy and also delicious cake. Recipe: 2 cups all purpose flour Mix all toge...
This is a real quick, easy and also ...: TORNADO CAKE This is a real quick, easy and also delicious cake. Recipe: 2 cups all purpose flour Mix all toge...
This is a real quick, easy and also delicious cake.
2 cups all purpose flour Mix all together and pour into greased 9 x 13 pan.
1 teaspoon baking soda Bake at 350
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
20 ounce can of crushed pineapple
1 stick butter
2 - 3 cups confectioner sugar
Enough milk to make frosting easy to spread
This is a very moist cake and is about as easy as a cake mix. Really delicious served warm.
Add some roses and old lace and you have something just as pretty as it is good.
Must have been pretty good!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: HERBS Basil ...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: HERBS Basil ...: HERBS Basil Dill The joy of growing herbs is a very s...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PART TEXAN ? Alth...
Now and Then by Nancy Kline: Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PART TEXAN ? Alth...: Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PART TEXAN ? Although born in Texas I have spe... : PART TEXAN ? Although born in Texas...
Basil Dill
The joy of growing herbs is a very satisfying hobby and besides that you get some delicious flavors in your cooking. I grow my herbs on the back deck which is just off the kitchen so they are very handy to pick fresh when needed. Just to mention a few that I grow; basil, dill, cilantro, sage, tarragon, thyme, rosemary and chives. There are more but these are the ones we use most frequently. We use the fresh herbs in our daily salads. Yum, Yum!
This is the basil I cut a few weeks ago. I hung it from the mantle in the breakfast room to dry. It was so pretty tied up and left to dry and smelled delicious too.
I let the dill and cilantro dry on the plants and then cut the dry stems off to remove the seeds.
All nice and put in jars for lots of winter meals, especially soups.
I will put some of the seeds away for next years plantings. Seeds are the most fascinating things in the world to me. It always amazes me how they come to life with just a little soil and water after patiently sitting in a package all year waiting for someone to plant them. The life in the seeds has to come from the hand of God.
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