Monday, July 16, 2018

Saturday mornings for me are getting out in the yard before it gets too hot up here in the Ozarks.  The humidity has been really high lately but my flowers seem to get along with that very well and have been absolutely beautiful this year.  The bee balm did its thing so we deadheaded the plants Saturday morning hoping to get another blooming this summer.  Then we moved on to the usual weeding in flower beds and garden, a place where the weeds do better than the veggies, and hauling the unwanted to the woods behind our lot.  It is a pretty steep hill to climb back up so we try to get as much in each load as we can.  Our house actually sits on top of a small mountain right in the middle of Branson, Missouri. 
Right now the gorgeous black-eyed Susans are in full bloom.  I got my start of black-eyed Susans from a fellow who was doing some yard work for us.  He is from Maryland and his mother had an abundance of black-eyed Susans in her beds so he brought me a bunch when he went back home for a visit and they have fared well in their new home and have multiplied over and over.  
                                         Black-eyed Susans are Maryland's state flower. 
Black-eyed Susans in my front bed
I know they are not pink but you do sometimes need a contrast (lol) and the yellow does look beautiful in front of my white gingerbread porch. 
Maybe someday there will be a true Pink-eyed Susan. 
This group of Susans is
 in a bed by the street in front of our house. 
The bees and butterflies have been enjoying the abundance of flowers and so have we. 
Happy Yard Days to All !

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