Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Sixty one years later!  After four kids, ten grandkids and ten great grandkids (and one more on the way) we are back to the empty nest.  We have gone through this empty nest syndrome so many times.  Our first child was born nine months after our wedding and the last one came twelve years after that.  We also had the honor of housing husband's father for ten years along with all four of the children.  We thought we had an empty nest when the last one left for Pepperdine University but that didn't last long.  Before he finished college the grandkids started popping out.  We have had kids of some kind in and out for so many years.  They have all decided to leave the nest for good and let us enjoy a few years to ourselves. 
The ones that moved out this weekend have been with us for three years.  We had the mom, dad, their one daughter and two sons plus a dog and two cats.  We had a ball the whole time but the big old house seemed too quiet over the weekend with no noise and messes.  Believe it or not we even miss the neighborhood kids ringing the door bell and eating all our snacks and drinking all the milk and colas. We watched the three kids grow up so much.  Daughter is now a teen ager and boys have grown up to be very independent twelve and nine year olds.   
We will have to get used to each other again.  We will be busy repainting and getting all the little fingerprints off the walls and wood work.  Plenty of work to do!
The older we get the faster the time flies!

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