Monday, April 29, 2019

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: UNCERTAIN   ???Yes, there really is a place named...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: UNCERTAIN   ???
Yes, there really is a place named...
: UNCERTAIN   ??? Yes, there really is a place named Uncertain and it is in the great state of Texas.  You have to know where you are go...

Yes, there really is a place named Uncertain and it is in the great state of Texas.  You have to know where you are going to find it but I know it is there because I have been there many times as we have relatives that live there.  It is located on the west side of Caddo Lake in east Texas.   Caddo Lake is a swampy lake that is in both Texas and Louisiana. Uncertain got its name when they were applying to be incorporated and nobody knew what the name of the place was so "Uncertain" was put on the map and it is still there.  TRUE OR NOT?
In the same area there are some other interesting places to drive past.  The big white house is where Lady Bird Johnson was raised.  She was President Lyndon Johnson's wife.  This is in Karnack, Texas.
There is also the Confederate cemetery, Scottsville/Youree,  located close by in Scottsville, Texas.  There is an old chapel on the grounds and many Civil War veterans and other interesting people are buried there.  It is a beautiful place to take pictures with lost of big trees, shrubs, flowers,  and old tomb stones. 
Another place that is fun to visit in that same area is the T. C. Lindsey & Company General Store located in Jonesville, Texas.  It is probably a hundred years old or more.  They will serve you pops, cheese, cakes and pies.  Also they have a wonderful supply of items of interest to buy such as cook books, toys and too many things to mention, and just about anything you might not expect. 

Many of the houses are built right on the water and yes they do flood quite often but these people just seem to dry out and start over.  
One of the things I enjoy the most is the Spanish moss that covers all the trees. You have to take a boat ride to see all the beauty of the area. 
Shady Glade is a tasty place to start the day off with a good old fashioned breakfast and then stop in later at the River Bend Restaurant  for the most delicious plate of fried catfish. 
If you go to Uncertain be Certain you know where you are going!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: LEGEND OF THE DOGWOOD TREEIn Jesus time, the dogw...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: LEGEND OF THE DOGWOOD TREE
In Jesus time, the dogw...
: LEGEND OF THE DOGWOOD TREE In Jesus time, the dogwood grew To a stately size and a lovely hue. 'Twas strong and firm its bran...

In Jesus time, the dogwood grew
To a stately size and a lovely hue.
'Twas strong and firm its branches interwoven. 
 For the cross of Christ its timbers were chosen.
Seeing the distress at this use of their wood
Christ made a promise which still holds good:
"Never again shall the dogwood grow
Large enough to be used so....
Slender and twisted, it shall be
With blossoms like the cross for all to see.
 As blood stains the petals marked in brown
The blossoms center wears a thorny crown. 
All who see it will remember me
Crucified on a cross from the dogwood tree. 
Cherished and protected this tree shall be
A reminder to all of my agony."
Author Unknown
Of course we all know that this is just a beautiful poem but nevertheless you can't help but see the beauty in the flowers of this tree that always blooms just in time for Easter.  When observing the flowers we can't help but let our imaginations see the  four petals in the shape of a cross with the brown marks on the edges and the center of the flower representing the crown of thorns. 

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: APRIL SHOWERS AND FLOWERS My yard has exploded ...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:

APRIL SHOWERS AND FLOWERS My yard has exploded ...
: APRIL SHOWERS AND FLOWERS   My yard has exploded this spring with so many beautiful flowering trees, vines, and perennials all bl...

My yard has exploded this spring with so many beautiful flowering trees, vines, and perennials all blooming at the same time. 

This jasmine just keeps getting prettier every year.  It is a vine that I dug up in a field in Louisiana and planted it under my deck.  It has a most wonderful aroma and is one of the first to bloom.
The redbud trees have been opening all over the city this month.  Mine is pretty and the only problem I have is that it wants to reproduce too much.  We have little redbuds popping up all over the yard.
Grape hyacinths have outdone themselves this year with their sweet little flowers showing themselves off everywhere.
These pretty little blue periwinkles are such a good ground cover for shady spots.
If you are from the south you know you can't have a yard without azaleas.  This one is the first of mine to bloom every year. 
White phlox
Pink phlox
All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full.
Ecclesiastes l:7
And neither is my garden!


Monday, April 8, 2019

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: WOODEN SPOONSNo kitchen is complete without woode...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: WOODEN SPOONS
No kitchen is complete without woode...
: WOODEN SPOONS No kitchen is complete without wooden spoons.  I have several and have worn out more than several in my many years of k...

No kitchen is complete without wooden spoons.  I have several and have worn out more than several in my many years of kitchen work.  They are wonderful to cook with for many reasons.  They are light in weight, do not get hot when left in the pot, are not hard on coated cookware, and usually are pretty reasonable in price.   They come in all kinds of sets and also sold individually.  Mine have a lot of stains and burn marks which means they have been hard at work in my kitchen.  I can't remember ever not having an ample supply and what new bride didn't get several as shower gifts.  Although not advised to go in the dishwasher I do it anyway just to make sure all germs are killed.
My kids and grandkids have lots of memories of licking the spoon after frosting a cake or making cookies.  They also have memories that are not so pleasant.  Aside from using wooden spoons to cook with they were always handy for a swift swat on the bottom when needed.  Therefore my wooden spoons gained much respect when they came out of the drawer as kids didn't know if it was for cooking something sweet or for just a quick paddling.  Sometimes all you had to do was mention the wooden spoon to get good results. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: FROM BED TO BATHYou never know what you will find ...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: FROM BED TO BATHYou never know what you will find ...: FROM BED TO BATH You never know what you will find in my attic.  It has been keeping secrets for the past 25 years.  Every time I open ...
You never know what you will find in my attic.  It has been keeping secrets for the past 25 years.  Every time I open another box I get surprised again.  I am here to tell you that I don't believe in getting rid of stuff if you keep it stored, out of sight, and in some sort of order.   That's what attics are for and mine is a walk in attic so it is easy to get in and out of and it really is big. 
While on a frequent visit to the attic I found this Martha Washington bedspread and can't even remember where it came from but I knew I would never put on my bed again. So I made these pretty hand towels for my powder room.  The fringe that is on the edge of the bedspread makes such a nice edge on the towels and you don't even have to sew it on if you just use the edges  for towels, just measure, cut, and hem the other three edges. 
The hand towels are really pretty, soft, absorbent, and hang very nicely. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:  APRIL CALENDAROne of Maud Humphrey's April calend...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:  APRIL CALENDAROne of Maud Humphrey's April calend...:   APRIL CALENDAR One of Maud Humphrey's April calendar children is a beautiful little French girl.  She is holding a lovely bouqu...
One of Maud Humphrey's April calendar children is a beautiful little French girl.  She is holding a lovely bouquet of blue iris.  
The first day of April is April Fool's Day and I think that Mother Nature fooled us all this year by letting us have another dose of  winter.  There are several important birthdays to remember this month including: Thomas Jefferson on the 13th, First Lady Melania Trump on the 26th, and Ulysses S. Grant on the 27th.  And who can forget Tax Day on the 15th.  Then we have Earth Day on the 22nd.
Easter celebrations come a little late this year with Palm Sunday on the 14th, Good Friday and the beginning of Passover on the 19th through the 27th leaving Easter Sunday to fall on the 21st.  Since Easter is based on the Lunar Calendar rather than the Gregorian Solar Calendar we can blame the Moon on this year's late Easter. 
Enjoy April and Bonne Journee !!