Monday, December 31, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: JANUARY CALENDARMaud Humphrey was a commercial ill...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: JANUARY CALENDARMaud Humphrey was a commercial ill...: JANUARY CALENDAR Maud Humphrey was a commercial illustrator, water colorist, suffragette from US, and the mother of Humphrey Bogart.  S...
Maud Humphrey was a commercial illustrator, water colorist, suffragette from US, and the mother of Humphrey Bogart.  She was known for her paintings of children and often used her son for a model.  Her calendars with pictures of children from different countries were absolutely beautiful.
I have twelve framed lithograph pictures with children from different countries.  I bought the collection several years ago and do not think the pictures were from the same calendar year but they are really outstanding. Each one represents a month and a country. January's child painting is a Russian.  It is from the late 1800s.
Maud Humphrey was born in 1868 and passed away in 1940. 

                       Happy 2019 From My Wall To Yours!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:  THE BLUE ROOM Husband asked how long painters h...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:  THE BLUE ROOM 
Husband asked how long painters h...
:    THE BLUE ROOM   Husband asked how long painters have been in the house. Seems like forever!  Well, I counted the weeks and it has...


Husband asked how long painters have been in the house. Seems like forever!  Well, I counted the weeks and it has been THIRTEEN.  They will finish this Friday and we are looking forward to that day.  Living with three painters in every day at 8:00 in the morning is getting old.  They are finally finishing the last bath and closet.  I really believe it has been worse than completely moving because you have to live in the mess with stacks of boxes every day and night.  Everything had to be emptied from all cabinets and walls. Curtains had to come down and washed and window cleaning was not an easy task. Then there were all the dirty light fixtures and chandeliers that had to be cleaned. Trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of is not easy.  If you know me very well you know that I don't get rid of stuff too rapidly.  But I did part with a few things.
The good side is that we feel like we have a brand new house again.  To make things simple I used one color for the entire house and went with white woodwork and cabinets.  I have enough colorful "stuff'" so felt like a soft white would do the trick and then I can change out accessories whenever I want.  But, I think I have had enough changing to last me awhile and time to move on to other things.
This bedroom is one in the basement and is the only room without a window but it does have French doors so that helps. 
It has a really clean look with the blue bedding and rug.  It has been so much fun finding forgotten things in the attic like my blue hobnail Fenton glass.  No telling what else I might find as there are still boxes and boxes of stuff unpacked that have been in the attic for years.  It's like having Christmas every time I unload another box. 
As I finish doing each room I will take pictures to put on my blog.
Painters will be back in the Spring to do some outside work but for now we will take a much needed break!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Advent Wreaths are an old Christian tradition working up to Christmas and celebrating the wonderful things happening before the birth and the birth of Christ.  It consists of five candles, four which are in the circle of the wreath and then the center candle.
Advent is the season for Christians to make spiritual preparation for the coming of Christ.
The circular garland of evergreen branches represents eternity.  Each candle represents an aspect of the spiritual preparation for the coming of Jesus.
The advent season starts about four weeks before Christmas.  The first candle is lit which represents "Hope" for the Messiah as prophesied in the Old Testament.  The next week the second candle is lit which shows "Love" and is sometimes called the Bethlehem candle. The third week candle is "Joy" that the shepherds had on the news that the baby Jesus was born.  Candle four is "Angels" which were celebrating the birth of the Messiah in the heavens.
The candle in the center which is always white represents Christ.  Christ brings us "Hope, Love, and Joy" and we celebrate each year just as the angels did when Christ was born.   
This is a way for Christians to celebrate Christ and his birth on this special day.  It is a simple way to teach children what the true meaning of Christmas is.
Christ is the Reason for the Season ! 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO Angels we have heard on ...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO

 Angels we have heard on ...
: GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO    Angels we have heard on high Sweetly singing o're the plains And the mountains in reply Echoin...

Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o're the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains
Shepherds why the Jubilee
Why your joyous strains prolong
What the gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heavenly song
Come to Bethlehem to see
Him whose birth the angels sing
Come adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord the newborn King
See Him in a manger laid
Whom the choirs of angels praise
Mary, Joseph, lend your ear
While our hearts in love we raise

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:   OH CHRISTMAS TREE,OH CHRISTMAS TREE! What would ...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:   OH CHRISTMAS TREE,OH CHRISTMAS TREE! What would ...:     OH CHRISTMAS TREE, OH CHRISTMAS TREE !   What would Christmas be like without a Christmas Tree.  This is one of my trees put u...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:   OH CHRISTMAS TREE,OH CHRISTMAS TREE! What would ...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline:   OH CHRISTMAS TREE,OH CHRISTMAS TREE! What would ...:     OH CHRISTMAS TREE, OH CHRISTMAS TREE !   What would Christmas be like without a Christmas Tree.  This is one of my trees put u...
 What would Christmas be like without a Christmas Tree.  This is one of my trees put up this year.  It is my Bird Tree.  It is literally covered with birds of all sizes which are mostly pink, white or gold.  The white peacocks are my favorite and by the way Bella loves them too.  She usually ends up killing at least one each year.  So far this year they have escaped her hunting spells but she still has time left before the tree comes down. 
The history of the Christmas Tree is interesting but my thoughts go back to my childhood days when we used strings of pop corn, bubbly lights and lots of icicles that glittered.  The trees were not so pretty but in the eyes of a child they were beautiful.   

Memories and More Memories!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: THE PINK INVASIONThe dining room chandelier has...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: THE PINK INVASION

The dining room chandelier has...
: THE PINK INVASION The dining room chandelier has been taken over with a bunch of little pink birds.  They couldn't find a vacan...

The dining room chandelier has been taken over with a bunch of little pink birds.  They couldn't find a vacant branch on the Bird Christmas tree so they landed all over the chandelier.  They seem to like it up there so guess we will let them stay perched for a few weeks before they migrate back to the attic for a long winter's nap.  Maybe they are watching the Bird Christmas tree to see if any of those big birds will fly away before Christmas. As you know,  "Birds of a feather flock together" and this is exactly what they have done. 
Tweet Tweet !

Monday, December 10, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: CHRISTMAS CAROLERSIt is beginning to look a lot l...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: CHRISTMAS CAROLERS
It is beginning to look a lot l...
: CHRISTMAS CAROLERS It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Kline's.  The Christmas Carolers have come down from the at...

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Kline's.  The Christmas Carolers have come down from the attic to greet everyone.  The candle lantern is lit for all the occasions that will happen in the next few weeks.  It is a gift that my dad made for me many years ago.  The little white choir people were painted by me when I was twelve years old.  There are five of them and they are beginning to show their age along with the other two singers that were part of my mother's Christmas décor. This goes to show that keeping things you love is well worth it.  The older they are the better!
Who knows what else will come out of the attic real soon! 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PINK ROOMAs the year is closing in on us I will be...

Now and Then by Nancy Kline: PINK ROOMAs the year is closing in on us I will be...: PINK ROOM As the year is closing in on us I will be proud to finally get through painting every room and cabinet in our house.  We have...
As the year is closing in on us I will be proud to finally get through painting every room and cabinet in our house.  We have three rooms left to do and the painters have assured me they will be finished by the end of 2018.   I chose one color for the whole house. For the walls it is Behr's White Veil and the for woodwork and cabinets it is bright white enamel.  After the painting comes the decorating.  So far I haven't had to purchase anything and am still finding pictures and "whatevers" in the attic and closets.  This has been quite a project but the end results will be worth it. 
This picture is a finished bedroom in the basement.  I had plenty of pink stuff stored up but locating it all was the problem.  I did find enough to make this bedroom pretty.  I still will add a few more pictures as I find them. 
These pink lamps had been hiding in a closet several years and believe it or not were still in good condition. 

I found this little cabinet at a flea market and painted it white.  It was also hiding in the attic waiting for a place to call home.  It looks really dainty with the white hobnail glass displayed on each shelf. 
The bed and dresser were hand me downs from our daughter's in laws.  I mixed up my own white chalk paint and gave them a good covering. 
As the painters finish and Christmas decorations come down I will post more of the redone rooms.
Looking Forward to Finishing all the Rooms