Friday, June 29, 2018

Herbs Enduring the Heat

Herbs Enduring the Heat
The herbs are doing  great in spite of the terrific heat we have been having.  They are in containers on my back deck which is on the north.  They get the morning sun and the evening sun.  They have to be watered every day. 
These are pictures of some of my herbs which include rosemary, chives. basil, parsley, oregano and dill.   
All of these were planted from seed except the rosemary.  I planted rosemary seed but nothing came up until I went to the nursery and bought a plant.  Just a few days later the seeds started coming up so I now have several plants.
I also have thyme, sage, tarragon and a few others growing under the deck. 
We use fresh herbs daily in salads and in cooking.  Delicious!!!!!
Wish I could say my garden was doing as good as the herbs but unfortunately that is not the case.  We bought a few veggie plants yesterday to replace some that we lost from storms and heat.  Will get them in the ground Saturday morning before the heat chases me out. 


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Now and Then by Nancy Kline

Yard After Storm
My beautiful glads, hibiscus, and bee balm took a bit hit from the wind.   
The night of June 26, 2018 we had a terrible storm blow in.  The yard was in picture taking mode when the wind started blowing and everything went dark.  We were without electricity for two hours. 

There will have to be major clean-up really soon. 
We got home from work on Wednesday and made an attempt to clean up from the storm.  It was too hot to get very much accomplished.  The heat index was 103 degrees.

I did get a chance to check out my baby veggies and was surprised to find that most of the small plants did not survive the storm and the heat.  So, this means another trip to get some replacements.  Whoever told me that planting a late garden would be easy must not have ever tried it.  Lesson learned:  plant early. 

This is a shot of my new vegetable garden.  It is in my back yard so should be more convenient than the old garden located behind our warehouse in Kirbyville, MO.  The old garden was 75 feet by 75 feet.  This new one is much smaller. 
This is a shot of my neglected garden work house.  It needs a little work that will have to wait for cooler weather. 

I do love my garden in spite of floods, heat, weeds and insects.  Keeps an old woman busy!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Now and Then

Now and Then
Nancy Kline

                                                                   Never say Can"t
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.  Well, I am not an old dog.  I am an Old Lady.  This blogging is new to me so I will probably make a lot of mistakes but maybe it will all come together.
I am a wife of 61 years, a mother of 4, grandmother of 10 and great grandmother of 10.  I will not be giving advice to anyone but will try in an humble way to tell you how I get things done. 
There is a lot of experience in the life of one that has lived 80 + years.  My interest is in many things such as:  house cleaning (which I love), decorating, vegetable gardening, flower gardening, sewing, cooking, music, job at VHC Brands, pets, travel, plus several others.
The next project for me to deal with is redecorating my basement.  My son and his family will be moving out of my house and into their new home that is almost finished is about two months.  There are four bedrooms, a large living and dining room, a small kitchenette (sort of like a motel) and a bath.  This is going to be fun.
Off-white is the chosen color for all the walls and white for all the woodwork and cabinets in kitchenette and bath.  At my age, I really don't want to invest in new furniture so will probable paint all the old junk that is in storage white as that will give it a shabby look.  Will post pictures of before and after when I get started.
In the meantime I will faithfully continue to take care of my flowers and veggies.